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Celebrate Languages'
iTeacher & iStudent Series:
Workshops in Technology & Classroom Strategies  
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World Languages
Today we know so much, linguistically & scientifically, about the ways in which language is best acquired, learned or
is developed,  and  about  the factors  and/or behaviors that accelerate or hinder language-learning in general. And
yet, in many of our classrooms, traditional (
outdated) strategies and practices (reminiscent of the 70’s and 80’s) still
predominate  and  prevail,  thereby  delaying  the  attainment  of  advanced  language  proficiency  for our students.

Discover ways in which teachers can
use music, songs/singing, dance, magic tricks, games, drama, art, blended
, multimedia and Social Networking  resources,  to  support  and  accelerate  both language proficiency &
performance  skills  (in  all  domains),  within  the  context  of  what  we  already  know  from  Cognitive and Linguistic
Sciences & Brain-Based Learning and (Second) Language Acquisition Research.

Discover  that  there  are  indeed  
‘Smarter (and Faster) Ways to Language Fluency!’  All  participants  will receive
resources & materials for immediate use in the classroom.
Helping teachers use technology
in the classroom.
Workshops on
Smarter  Ways  to  Language  Fluency!
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