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Hobbies & Interests:
- Music Performance  
Dance Performance
- Languages & Cultures
- Travel & Tourism
- Movie/Video-editing
Countries Visited (37):   
- Canada, USA & Mexico
- Belize & Guatemala
- Colombia & Venezuela
- Brazil & Argentina
- Paraguay & Nicaragua
- Dominican Republic
- Nevis, Anguilla & Curaçao
- Aruba, St. Eustatius & Saba
- St. Maarten & Bonaire
- The Netherlands & Germany
- Austria, Belgium & England
- France, Spain & Portugal
- Italy & Czech Republic
- Iceland (Reykjavíc)
- Bulgaria, Poland & Slovenia
- Morocco (North Africa)
- The Philippines & Japan
Countries Lived in (7):
- Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
- Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean
- The Netherlands
- The Philippines
- Brazil, Bulgaria
Current Home:
- Hartford, CT, USA
Current Occupation:
- Language Instructor
- Translator/Interpreter.
Licensed Insurance Agent
- Workshops Presenter
Name:          Richard de Meij
Nationality:  Citizen of the World
Educated at:
- Colegio Arubano (Aruba)
- University of Florida
- University of Utrecht (Neth.)
- Central CT State University
Degrees in:
- Speech/Lang.Pathology
- Applied Linguistics
Language Fluency in:
- Dutch (native)
- Papiamento (native)
- English (native)
- Spanish (near-native)
- Portuguese (near-native)
- French (fluently)
- German (fluently)
- Italian (fair)
Other Languages Studied:
-  Japanese & (modern) Greek
- Bulgarian & Tagalog
- Afrikaans (understood)
- Polish & Mainer (Mainah)
Currently Studying:
-  Arabic (Egyptian MSA)
World Citizen
What is Papiamento? Where is it spoken?
For more information, visit  this ARUBA link
Celebrate Languages
Linguist &
Artist &
Poet &
Car insurance and/or Homeowner's Insurance
Top-rated Insurance Providers! Compare • Choose • Save!
The ability to compare & the freedom to choose.
To access Primerica Secure, you'll need:
Rep's last name:
de Meij  &  Solution #: 3BTCM
Check  out  one of my favorite places on earth:  the  little
island of A-R-U-B-A, a paradise for all, where its citizens
are multilingual! A-R-U-B-A: ONE HAPPY ISLAND! Click  
on  the  controls below  to  get  a  visual  taste  of  Aruba.
Arubans are typically fluent in: Dutch, Papiamento, English & Spanish.
Call toll-free: (877) 855-8111

CT Language Teacher of the Year
See my resumé
Biographical Information
Connecticut 2018-2019 Language Teacher of the Year
North-Eastern USA 2019 Language Teacher of the Year Finalist